August 15, 2024
Updates & School Activities

Aralinks CLE: An Update for Educational Improvement

Ms. Lara Perez

As the needs of the learners change, so do the learning instructions of teachers with the aid of technology. In line with this, all the faculty and staff of Sacred Heart School-Hijas de Jesus gathered on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. in the Fr. Herranz Hall for an Aralinks Collaborative Learning Environment (CLE) Updating and Retooling Seminar. The one-day enriching and engaging seminar-workshop is facilitated by the EdTech Specialist, Technical Trainer, Technical Support Coordinator, and Technical Support Staff from Phoenix Publishing House.

Provided with a training goal: to effectively utilize the Phoenix Aralinks CLE, Hijas-Hearters educators are given the opportunity to navigate the enhanced user interface of the Phoenix Aralinks CLE and utilize its new and improved features for effective teaching and learning. The facilitators emphasized that efficiency of instruction is  made possible by integrating collaborative tools within the CLE to enhance learners’ interaction, participation, and learning outcomes. Moreover, the assessment tools of CLE encouraged the Hijas-Hearters educators to create, administer, and grade the assessments of learners provided with timely and effective feedback to support their learning progress.

Truly, with the advancement of technology and the access to well-designed technology-based hybrid learning, educators can easily adapt to the educational changes where learners and technology meet halfway. In today's time, a teacher-centered classroom is no longer a trend. A call for a strategic and student-centered approach to learning is already in the hearts of educators. Hence, through the Aralinks CLE, educators are not only trained to make students responsible for their own learning but also to effectively promote student responsibility in the presence of technology. Aralinks CLE makes it easier for both learners and teachers to connect, collaborate, and continue the pursuit of educational innovation and improvement.

To turn the idea into action, the competence of Hijas-Hearters educators cannot be doubted, as selected members of the faculty were acknowledged for their continuous support and utilization of Aralinks CLE in their instructions. Even in the toughest of times, the Hijas-Hearters educators’ persistence to provide learners with a fruitful learning experience remains. In a modern world that is full of possibilities, there is so much more students can do. Hence, there should also be more that teachers offer, and this is made easier with Aralinks CLE.

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